#include #include // Define LCD control pin connections #define LCD_RS_PIN PB0 #define LCD_RW_PIN PB1 #define LCD_E_PIN PB2 // Define LCD data pin connections #define LCD_DATA_PORT PORTD #define LCD_DATA_DDR DDRD // Function prototypes void LCD_init(); void LCD_command(uint8_t cmd); void LCD_write(uint8_t data); void LCD_send(char* str); int main() { // Set control pins as outputs DDRB |= (1 << LCD_RS_PIN) | (1 << LCD_RW_PIN) | (1 << LCD_E_PIN); // Set data pins as outputs LCD_DATA_DDR = 0xFF; // Initialize LCD LCD_init(); // Display "Hello, World!" LCD_send("Hello, World!"); while (1) { // Your main code here } return 0; } // Initialize LCD void LCD_init() { _delay_ms(15); // Delay for power-on LCD_command(0x38); // Function Set: 8-bit data, 2-line display, 5x8 font LCD_command(0x0C); // Display ON, Cursor OFF, Blink OFF LCD_command(0x01); // Clear display _delay_ms(2); // Delay for Clear Display command LCD_command(0x06); // Entry Mode Set: Increment cursor, No display shift } // Send command to LCD void LCD_command(uint8_t cmd) { LCD_RS_PORT &= ~(1 << LCD_RS_PIN); // Set RS low for command mode LCD_RW_PORT &= ~(1 << LCD_RW_PIN); // Set RW low for write mode LCD_DATA_PORT = cmd; // Send command to data port LCD_E_PORT |= (1 << LCD_E_PIN); // Enable LCD _delay_us(1); // Short delay LCD_E_PORT &= ~(1 << LCD_E_PIN); // Disable LCD _delay_us(100); // Delay for command execution } // Write data to LCD void LCD_write(uint8_t data) { LCD_RS_PORT |= (1 << LCD_RS_PIN); // Set RS high for data mode LCD_RW_PORT &= ~(1 << LCD_RW_PIN); // Set RW low for write mode LCD_DATA_PORT = data; // Send data to data port LCD_E_PORT |= (1 << LCD_E_PIN); // Enable LCD _delay_us(1); // Short delay LCD_E_PORT &= ~(1 << LCD_E_PIN); // Disable LCD _delay_us(100); // Delay for data execution } // Send string to LCD void LCD_send(char* str) { while (*str) { LCD_write(*str++); } }